Agile Analytics’ competitors

The landscape of agile analytics tools

We’re not the only ones providing analytics tools on the market. But our competitors either focus solely on your monitoring and telemetry systems, your Git tools, communication channels or your project management systems. Our competitors never combine these features.

Our competitors focus on development efficiency like a bad micromanager. We measure development effectiveness, a dynamic in any organisation that cannot lead to micromanagement like with our competitors

A plant-sharing organism extends a hearty gesture among a circle of trees

The only end-to-end platform

Agile Analytics is the only tool in the marketplace that combines four aspects of your agile development flow into one easy-to-use platform. Do you want more precise, objective, end-to-end metrics to understand how your team and production is doing and where you need to improve? Then Agile Analytics is your answer.

Electric-blue wheel logo for auto parts on automotive exterior diagram.

Agile Analytics vs. competitors

Here is a feature list of what the platform gives you, compared to competitors like Waydev, Haystack and LinearB.

Agile Analytics

Ease of use

Analyse the complete value chain

Kudos gathering

Ticket analysis

Ticket Artificial Intelligence

Error Budgets

Software Stock

Sprint Insights

What you see is what you get

We deliver a platform that is easy to connect, is effectiveness oriented and is made by a highly motivated and experienced team of software people. Lastly, we’re Dutch! We do things a little differently – in a good way. So to keep up with our Dutch directness: unlike our Sillicon Valley competitors, we won’t use big words and numbers to prove our point. What you see is what you get. And we are growing and learning, so we welcome feedback and suggestions with open arms. We’re happy to talk to you!

Use Agile Analytics with your tools

Jira Software
Microsoft Teams